As happens most years, this summer is flying by at an alarming rate. Nora's walking is improving daily. She can now walk across the room and already she is speeding up. I have no doubt that she'll be running too soon. We went to the bridal shower of Meghan (Shane's cousin) on Saturday at Barrett's house, and Sunday we returned to go to Eliza's second birthday party (Barrett's daughter). Despite the intense heat and humidity (what is this, Ohio?? Just kidding!) we had a great time and really enjoyed getting to catch up with the family. There was a pool for the kids in the backyard and Nora was very excited to jump in with Lucy, another cousin who is just a bit older than Nora.

Later we sat on the front porch where it was cooler and visited. Nora loved watching all the action happening around her.

I wasn't sure what we should get for Eliza, but Shane had his own ideas. In only
two days he whipped up a great riding toy for Eliza. Nora was our tester for a few days before the party.

The morning of the birthday party I went for a run- I'm training for a triathlon this Saturday. It was probably the best run I've ever had. For those of you who don't know, I
hate running. For some reason this morning was different. I had energy, I got in a rhythm and everything worked. I ran about three miles straight that morning- the distance I have to run in the triathlon, and when I was done I felt like I could keep going. We even had planned a bike ride, but decided we would drive so that we could bring the riding toy for Eliza. That night, I woke up with an aching knee. In the morning it was swollen to twice the size of the other one and I had a fever. I went to the doctor's, had x-rays and blood work done and now I'm on antibiotics for infected bursitis. Lovely. And of course, no triathlon. Definitely disappointing.

I can't get too down, though, when I have Nora and Shane to buoy my spirits. Plus, how
could I feel depressed with this adorable little frog baby?

P.S. HUGE congratulations to our great friends Megan and Chris! Meg delivered a baby boy Monday morning! We are so happy for them and I can't wait to get to Vermont to meet him and snap some sweet pictures. Amazing job, Meg! A drug-free natural birth! And kudos to Chris for being an amazing birth partner. We're so happy for you both!