Well, I've finally made it to a location with the internet and Nora isn't tugging at my leg and crying or trying to terrorize the poor fish who live at the library. We had a great time last weekend celebrating Halloween and then traveling south to celebrate the birthday of my cousin's twins, Trinity and Rey, who turned seven.
On Friday we joined Tara, Kalen and Wylie to go on a 'haunted' walk. It wasn't scary at all, but that's because it was designed for little kids. Later that same night was a much scarier walk for the older kids; we made sure to miss that one. We decided to dress Nora up as the Tooth Fairy. One of her favorite things to do is brush her teeth, so it seemed appropriate. Plus, the tutu was free; my Mom made it for Tara when she was a kid!

Kalen wasn't sure what he wanted to be for Halloween; he debated between a dog, his aunt Hayley and a dog bone. You can see what he decided.

Here's sweet little Wylie. He had a hard time deciding what to be, but finally chose the cow, because of how nicely the hood accentuated his facial features. I think he made the right choice.

The next morning we were on the road early for the birthday party. Here are the twins, Rey and Trinity getting ready to blow out their candles.

Here is the absolutely amazing cake. Oh my goodness, look at that attention to detail. It almost looks as though I am
in that graveyard. Ooh, that's a spooky house! It's so
real! I wonder who made that gorgeous piece of art? (Wink, wink!)

We made it back home Sunday afternoon and Monday was a nice, restful day. I spent it in the kitchen, doing what I love to do when I have time- cooking. Or in this case, roasting off sugar pumpkins to puree and freeze. When I peeked in to check on a
very quiet Nora, there she was, attending to her studies, the little geek. Gosh, I love her.