
Summer Nights

It's hard to believe that so much of summer has already passed us by. Of course, for those of you who live here, you know it hasn't exactly felt very summer-like in weeks past. Luckily it has finally arrived, and although it's very muggy, I won't complain. As long as it's not pouring I'm a happy camper.
Nora is really starting to enjoy school. She still fights the nap big time, and has yet to sleep longer than forty minutes, and usually only twenty. Oh well, at least she's actually falling asleep! This picture was taken yesterday when Shane came to pick her up after his program had ended for the day. The two of them waited around for me to be done and in the mean time Nora decided to do a little riding.
Last night we took a trip over to Nick and Ally's house in Bath for dinner. I felt like grilling and Shane made fun of me for wanting to use our camping grill, so we headed over to their house and their real grill.
Nora loved hanging out with them. After an initial warm-up period, she was off, first 'helping' Ally with the dishes, then playing outside while the chicken and vegetables grilled.
Their tomatoes aren't ripe yet, but it won't be long. I also sampled a fresh snap pea- delicious!
Nick and Ally couldn't get enough of this munchkin. I can't imagine why. She played until she was totally and completely exhausted (which wasn't too late since she had taken a twenty minute nap at school) and then passed out on my lap while we told ghost stories. It was a great night- thanks guys!


Three Pictures

Over the past month our lives have been slightly hectic. This morning, while waiting to jump in the shower, and with literally minutes left before I have to leave for work (did I mention Nora isn't even awake yet?) I thought I'd pop on to upload pictures to the site. I found three. How pathetic is that? There's no lack of cameras around here, or of cuteness, and yet when looking through my pictures, these are what I came up with. Oh well, it's more than nothing, which is what I've been posting lately. Gotta go!


We're (kind of) back!

Whew! It's been awhile, hasn't it? I know some of you have been waiting (and waiting) for a new post, and alas! One has finally arrived. We're mostly settled in at our new place and I've started working full time. Nora has also started day care, which is a very new and different experience for her. I'm only in the next room over from her, but it's a big enough distance to cause a little stress. This past week was our first, though, so we're really hoping things settle down soon. On to the pictures, though! We took a trip to Boston a couple weeks ago and met up with Aunt Ashleigh, who was visiting the East coast. The aquarium was our first stop, though it was so dark in their that I only snapped a couple pictures.
After the aquarium we walked over to the North End for lunch and a special dessert of delicious cannolis, then found this cool little park that Nora had fun running around at while we digested.
Here Nora shows off the after effects of the chocolate-dipped cannoli.
Our final stop was at an old-fashioned carousel. Nora was very excited that she was allowed to ride the horse.
The week after we went to Boston Nora was scheduled for an upper endoscopy to find out whether or not she has celiac. This was taken the morning of the procedure. The poor thing wasn't allowed to eat or drink anything for hours before. Somehow she was in a good mood, though. I know I wouldn't have been.
This first video was taken while we waited for the doctor. Nora wasn't at all nervous, mostly because she had no idea what was going on. Shane, Mom and I, on the other hand, were a bit nervous. Everything went just fine, though and now we know that she doesn't have celiac! Woohoo! She still may have a food allergy, because they found some abnormal results in her upper intestines, but hopefully it's nothing too serious. We'll know soon enough.

This second video was taken during strawberry season (another reason I haven't been online at all). Kalen, Wylie and Tara (along with Hayley) lived with us for a little over a week while we all picked and sold berries. This was a little song Kalen and Nora sang for Dad and Evan, whose birthdays happen to fall on the same day.