
A Lovely Thursday

We celebrated Thanksgiving in Camden again this year at the restaurant. We made sure to arrive early enough so that there was plenty of time before dinner for games (notice the chess game being played above), movies and walks. The kids really enjoyed the snacks and movies, especially the delicious nuts my Dad made (I think, or did Mom?), and the crab hush puppies Tara whipped up. I don't even like crab and these were delicious!
Here Hayley scopes out the main meal. Of course, this was before the centerpiece turkey was brought out.
I only took one group photo, and of course Shane wasn't smiling. (His excuse? 'I don't smile in pictures.' Oh, please!)
After our bellies were full it was dance party time. Nora and Kalen got right into it. No, Nora isn't wearing pants. No, she didn't arrive that way.
Finally it was time to calm down a little. We would, after all, be consuming massive amounts of sugar, chocolate, cream and delicious pie goodness shortly, so the kids needed a little rest. Overall it was a wonderful Thanksgiving and I wish I had taken more pictures of everyone who was there, but believe me, we were all well fed and had a great time visiting with each other, playing games, and even sending off a few sky lanterns! (Once again, something I should have taken pictures of.) Happy Thanksgiving, and welcome to the Christmas season!


A Few More Details

I thought you all might like to see a few actual pictures taken on Halloween. Nora dressed up as a sweet dragon, compliments of the awesome Aunt Ashleigh. She probably would have worn her costume much more often before Halloween, but we stowed it away so it was more special.
On the way home from a family Halloween party in the afternoon we drove up route one, and on the way through Freeport we noticed all the trick or treating happening along Main St., so we decided to stop and join in for a bit.
Once we got home we had a quick dinner, then headed out for more trick or treating in our neighborhood. We met up with our friends Noah and Lillian and had a great time checking out all the decorated houses. We finally made it home after a quick stop at Lilee's to show off her costume and visit Aunt Cindy and Aunt Debbie, who were eating there.
Nora wanted to help hand out candy, but unfortunately we only had three trick or treaters, hence the giant bowl of candy sitting on top of our refrigerator staring at me.
Tonight, after dinner we let Nora pick a treat out of her pumpkin for dessert. She chose the green lollipop over the glorious chocolate bars. Whose kid is this anyway?
Have a great weekend everyone!