As soon as I began drawing the bath water her ears perked. She hitched herself over to the edge of the tub and proceeded to thoroughly impress me. Case in point:
I couldn't have been more proud. Of course, as soon as she noticed me she immediately fell on her bottom, leaned back and whacked her head on the scale in the background. That will teach me to stop fiddling with the camera during important moments such as this one...
For all the Nora-obsessed fans out there, one more picture of her bath time fun:
And finally, a quick note to my newly tech-savvy Dad (and everyone else who is fed up with the cold, snow and plowing costs), spring and summer are coming, I promise, and when they arrive it will be wonderful.
Have a wonderful day, everyone!
I love this blog!! It's so fun to read. Mom informed me that this has been dads incentive to actually get on the computer. =] I think those pictures were probably taken right before I called you and heard Nora in the background wispering "dadadadada" It was SO cute!
oh wow! she got bigger! she's gotten bigger since last month. I am missing out on so much:( she says dada?
have you checked out my page to see what i am going to start doing for her?:)
Great pics! She's adorable! Bathtime looks like so much fun - we can't wait until Mathilde actually enjoys one :)
See you this summer!
JJ and Nanda and Mathilde
ahhhh, i just got both you and shane's comments:) shane-yes, i actually, funny enough, thought of the cap crunch monster and yes, we put it in the "time capsule" we made! haha-remember we would always fight over it? how weird....well, yes mission-DIGITUP is on.
caitlyn-i am very excited about the book im gonna make, and also-i am gonna start a crafting project for her and document it...make sure she checks the screen while in your lap:)
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