Well, it's about time I posted an update on the goings-on of our family. We've had a whirlwind few weeks, what with house-sitting, school vacation, working weekends, and a sick baby. Finally, finally we have settled back home. The house is picked up, the little one has been fed and is happily playing with her toys and I finally feel like I can sit down for a few minutes to post before a good friend comes by to visit with her new baby.
Last week we took off to Acadia and hiked Cadillac Mountain with Diana. (Or as Kalen, and I'm sure one day Nora, calls her, Di-nana.)

It was an amazingly gorgeous day. It felt more like July than April, and when we reached the top and sat down for lunch, there was barely a warm breeze in the air. The day couldn't have been more perfect, especially when we finished it off with an ice cream.

The rest of the week was spent visiting family while Shane worked his weekend job. He was able to take a couple mornings and bike for the first time of the season with a fellow teacher, which was great seeing as he will be riding in the Trek Across Maine in less than two months!
We returned home Sunday, with Nora starting to feel a bit warm to the touch. By the evening she was hot and Sunday night was filled with her tossing and turning, crying, and eventually just spending the night sprawled across my chest. To top it off, the poor thing scraped her head against the edge of Shane's yard sale armchair and was left with a nasty bruise down her forehead.

It was quite the bump, and she did cry a little, but it was Shane who needed the calming and reassurance. I'm pretty sure he hadn't ever seen an egg like this on a kid as little as Nora. He got over it, but we definitely know who's in charge in emergency situations now! (Don't worry, Shane, you'll have plenty of opportunities to step up your game!)

Finally, on a sad note, Barkley received a haircut on Friday. Normally, this wouldn't be so sad, but just take a look at the picture. The poor thing is embarrassed to go out in public.

This, of course, was Shane's doing. I fought him on it for a while and finally gave in. I think I'll definitely get some leverage out of this decision, though. Unfortunately, Barkley was the innocent bystander who was involved. Poor dog.
Tonight we're off to celebrate the opening of our brother-in-law's new restaurant,
Brevetto Kitchen and Wine Bar in Camden. (Click link and scroll down to check out the press release.) We're very excited to check it out and sample some of the amazing food I know he'll be making. We'll fill you in tomorrow!
Great post! Hiking is always enjoyable. Is your husband a Red Sox fan? I am.
Keep up the writing
Hey, I didn't know we were also in the BDN! Cool! Of course, the phone number is wrong . . . oh well.
Nora's forehead looks awful. Truly. Save all these pictures so we can show them to her when she's older and laugh at her (and, apparently, her dad's reaction)! That pic of her with the blue/white shirt doesn't even look like her - I thought for a minute it was Shane, and that there was an uncanny identical injury gene he'd passed down to her! Poor kid!
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