Yesterday Nora attended her first track meet. It was to watch Sarah, one of the girls we've been chauffeuring, and she had a great meet, beating her personal best in the long jump. Nora, however, wasn't really paying attention to Sarah. Instead, she was watching the hundreds of other kids milling around, yelling to each other, and cheering one another on. It was a little overwhelming for her, I think.

Within ten minutes of arriving, a storm began brewing. Clouds enveloped the sky until there wasn't a hint of sun, and dark, ominous thunderheads moved into the area. Occasionally the rumble of thunder could be heard, and every few minutes I would glimpse a flash in the distance. A few families began moving towards their cars, while some sought out a safer, higher, more metallic place to wait.

No, just kidding. These people came down as soon as the announcement was made that the meet would be postponed for twenty minutes until the weather system passed. Nora and I loaded up our jogger and snacks and walked over to the school to wait. Under the overhang we could watch the storm without the risk of getting soaked, which we would have had we been out in the open.

Towards the end of the storm the sun came out and we saw this little gem shining up at us from the ground. Can you see it?

Finally the rain let up and the meet was resumed, steaming track and all.

Nora had had enough, though, and was ready to leave.

Fortunately, Sarah was finished with her events, so we headed home, where the spring rain had brightened everything in it's path.

Have a great weekend, everyone!
1 comment:
wow, she's getting sooo big! you can really tell from this long is she???
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