Christmas morning dawned bright and early at my parent's house, although the 6:30am wake-up call we had imposed on ourselves went right out the window. By the time 7:30am rolled around we were finally rolling out of bed and the kids were getting excited to head downstairs. I snuck down right before them to take a picture of everything Santa had left.

While we were waiting for everyone to get ready to go downstairs the kids went into Hayley's bedroom and played with the doll house that Nanny had set up for them.

Finally, we were all assembled and ready. You can't see Hayley in this picture, probably because she's still in bed. She has a hard time waking up before noon.

Kalen was pretty excited to see what had been left under the tree. Here he is realizing that Santa went
way overboard this year.

Nora received a small horse from Nanny. We can't wait to bring it home. All we have to do is get rid of all of our living room furniture and it should fit.

Here are Kalen and Wylie in their matching pj's from Christmas Eve- so sweet.

Josh was testing out Kalen's new puppet theater. I was pretty excited for him to open this present from us as it was homemade. Yes, I know I'm a genius. You don't have to tell me.

Once all the presents had been opened and we had settled down
Wylie was able to fit in a short nap.

Nora, on the other hand, wanted to model her new clothes. Unfortunately, her father doesn't know that you don't tuck your dress into your pants.

Later in the day we headed to southern Maine to visit with the extended family and have Christmas dinner. Once we arrived Hayley decided to do a little posing for her upcoming fashion shoot. She
really wants to be a model.

Yeah, I'm just kidding. I received an external flash from Mom and Dad for Christmas and was testing it out all afternoon. Here, I'm testing it on Rey and Trinity, my cousin's twins.

Kalen received a xylophone for Christmas and luckily he was willing to share with Nora. (And I don't think they even bit or hit each other!)

This next present was a big hit. My cousin Tiffany bought Nora this wooden toy that consists of fruit and vegetables attached by velcro that you 'cut' with a wooden knife. She
loves it.

Another hit of the party was the joke kit we bought for Rey. He spent a good amount of time playing tricks on everyone, including these fake teeth. I'm not sure everyone else was so happy about this gift when he started squirting everyone with the fake gum...

Wylie was just ecstatic about his Christmas gifts. See?

All in all, it was a really wonderful Christmas and reminded me of how much we have to be thankful for. Nora didn't want to go home that night and even tried to hide from us, because of all the fun she was having. It was a lovely- if a bit chaotic- time to see everyone and celebrate with one another. Now, on to the new year!
I was awake! I was at the bottom of the stairs, sacrificing myself not being in the picture, so I could capture that lovely shot. Sheesh. How could I NOT be awake after the eventful morning of playing in my room with the dollhouse?!
Oops, I forgot, sorry! I should have known you took that picture- there's no way Mom or Dad would have figured the camera out!
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