I was a bit surprised when I opened up this blog and realized that I hadn't posted for a week. It seems as if I've been away for a lot longer than that. Things have been steady around here. We have a weekly schedule now that involves two days a week in Bangor for my class and three days a week at the YMCA, where Nora gets to spend an hour with the babysitters while I get to work out. It was a bit of a rocky start for her, and while I'm sure we'll still have bad days, for now she is doing great. This morning she didn't even notice when I left, just headed right over to her favorite toys and started playing. Both babysitters mentioned that they felt like she had taken a 180 degree turn and was a different child. I'm not sure about that but it sure beats the screaming she was doing last week and the week before!

This past weekend we got to visit with Tara and her boys when they came up to Nanny and Grampy's house for a visit. It seems like little by little Kalen and Nora are able to play with each other a bit more. Of course, there's still yelling/biting/grabbing going on between the two of them, but at least in between their fights they're able to hold 'real' conversations and occasionally even play. I'll take any steps forward, even if they're baby steps!

Ah, and here's Wylie. He was my subject this weekend. I came home with numerous pictures of this little guy. I just can't help it; when the light is right and I have a model like this, I can't resist.

And because he's my nephew, and I
really can't resist, I have to post this one.

On Sunday, before going to a Super Bowl party with friends, I went to a bridal shower for Kate, a friend from book club. She's getting married in a few weeks (!) and I will be photographing her wedding. I thought the shower might be a good place to test out my new camera and get a few shots for Kate to include in her wedding album.

There are many more, but I'll save those for Kate. I have a lot more to post, including a dance party Nora held here in the living room this morning and a special treat we made last night, but I'll save those for later. For now, a little shot to keep all the grandparents satisfied. Enjoy!
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