This past weekend Nora and I went on quite adventure. Shane was headed up north with his Uncle to work on his camp, so Nora and I decided to take a road trip. We were up and packing Friday morning, and somehow managed to leave before noon, but just barely. We drove for about four hours until we came upon this:

I'm embarassed to say it, but this was my first moose sighting. I was super excited, and hanging out the window trying to get a good picture, while locals drove by rolling their eyes at me. Fortunately, I'm not too scared of looking like an idiot.

We drove about an hour more and then arrived at our destination. We were so excited to see Gavin (and Meg and Chris, of course). We were only there for a day and a half, but we crammed plenty into that time. We visited a neighbor's house whose animals Meg and Chris were taking care of. Gavin and Nora had a great time playing in their barn.

They have this
amazing play house built in their barn. I had to take a picture of it so Shane could build us one someday. This isn't the best picture of it, but you can see the play area under it and the stairs on the side that lead up to a cool little landing.

Outside the goats were waiting for us. There were new babies that were
so adorable. They're being raised for meat, but they might be just a little too cute for that purpose.

This is one of the guys who was separated from the moms and babies. He was a little scary looking with that big set of horns.

Back at Chris and Megan's farm, the animals were waiting. I brought the camera over and they lined up for a photo shoot, with one of the sheep even giving Morgan the horse a little kiss.

At the bottom of the hill is the garden. Meg and Chris worked all afternoon while Nora and I took a nap. I was
totally planning on helping out, but Nora took the nap of a lifetime, and by the time we got out there they were just about finished. In between all the raised up beds is old wool to keep weeds down. I couldn't begin to tell you everything they've planted, but I know it's a lot of delicious things. I think we'll be planning a trip around harvest time. I'm sure they'll need our 'help' again...

That night Chris and I took Nora into town while Meg put Gavin to bed. We happened to be visiting on the day of the Spring Fair in their town, and after seeing a parade in the morning, we went back to watch fireworks that night.

They started so late that Nora wasn't exactly excited to see them, but she did alright.

The next morning we got ready to leave a little early with the intention of visiting Rachael's clan at their summer camp. We got on the road around 10:30am, but with Memorial Day traffic, we didn't arrive until past 1:30pm. Nora settled right in with the dogs in a nice dirt pile.

Rachael moves in for a little tickle.

Tim manned the grill and cooked up some delicious assorted meat-full and meat-free items.

We had a wonderful time visiting our friends in Vermont and Maine. Thanks for hosting us, everyone! Stay tuned, because the word on the street is that my cousin will be bringing her newborn twins to Maine this week and if that's the case, there will absolutely be an abundance of pictures here for you to see!
Great post, I love your pictures. I have to go check out Meg's place, it looks like so much fun.
after hearing the story of the mouse,it makes me love the piccture even more.
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