It's about time I gave you all a real post, so here we go...
We had a busy weekend, starting with an early Friday morning. Nora and I woke up early to bring Shane into work, then stayed in town all day so we could catch a ride with him down to his second job at the bistro. We tried to occupy ourselves for the seven or so hours we had until Shane was finished. At one point I just drove down to the water and took a few pictures. The wind was ferocious and it was about fifteen degrees out, but still, it was quite beautiful. (Kristin and Jay- you'll recognize this place.)

Saturday morning dawned bright and sunny at Debbie's house where we were staying and Shane had the whole day to spend with us until he had to work at four. We drove over to Nick and Ally's place for a nice visit, then came back to the house and got ready for a walk. Nora loved every minute of it, of course, and got really excited when we found a duck pond.

Barkley didn't mind the nice walk either.

We walked down to Aunt Cindy's where the whole Jersey clan was up for an Easter visit. Shane had to leave for work, but after a nice nap, Nora and I came back for some egg dyeing and homemade pizza!
We drove home late Saturday night so that we could get over to Nanny and Grampy's house early to celebrate Easter. Nanny, Kalen and Nora sat excitedly on the top step, waiting for the okay to come downstairs and see what the Easter Bunny had left.

Once downstairs, the flashes started, and I don't think we stopped taking pictures for the next half hour. Were we overexcited? Maybe just a little. But come on, those are
cute kids.

The rest of the morning was filled with eggs, chocolate, fish oil, socks, tomato seeds, and toys (the Easter Bunny brought a few presents for Shane, as well).

All in all it was a great Easter for the kids. As they get older, (and more arrive! In September! This is
Tara I'm talking about, by the way!) I really look forward to setting out the baskets, writing notes to Mr. Bunny and having big egg hunts. For now, however, I'm perfectly satisfied with screams of delight from the two of them, runny noses (cold season has arrived at the Barker household!) and constantly chasing after them. They're worth it, of course.