This weekend Shane is headed off to a lovely place for a training session and Nora and I are spending the weekend alone together. This really would be quite lovely except for the fact that Shane needed to bring his computer. However, being the sweet husband he is, he gave me his school laptop to use this weekend. Heaven forbid I should be without internet for the whole weekend. I mean, geeze, I already went a whole day. Thank goodness for Shane. Unfortunately, without the other laptop I can't load any of our pictures. This means that there won't be any new Nora pics for the weekend. Sad, I know, but I'll supplement with a few old pictures I have on photobucket.
In recent news, Nora has cut her second tooth! I didn't actually notice until a secretary at the school pointed it out this morning when I dropped Shane off. So, two teeth in two weeks. You would think I would have an awfully crabby baby, but Nora has once again impressed us. She's as happy as ever, just waking up a bit earlier than I'm used to. Other than that, it's business as usual here.
Here are a few more pictures that I've stashed away on photobucket. I promise, come Monday I will have our laptop back and will update everyone on the teething process and general cuteness happening here.
is this last picture of nora???? does she have red hair?....why doesn't that look like her???
hey again-yeah, definitely from tom's side! :)
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