Right? Sorry to anyone waiting around for a post last night. Nora and I didn't get back to the house until close to eight-thirty after spending the day visiting the doctor's, then down to see Tara and Kalen with Grampy for an afternoon visit and then back up to Nanny and Grampy's house to visit with Hayley and Chris. Obviously the post I had intended for last night didn't happen, but it will now!
Tuesday afternoon Shane came home from work and said, 'Let's go for a walk!' Nora and I were slightly bored, so this sounded like a wonderful idea. We bundled up and headed up the hill behind the house.

We passed the old hunting cabin and the rusted plow truck that seems permanently embedded in the snowbank. Shane and Nora jumped up into the bed of the truck and gave me a little pose.

From there we headed into the woods and followed the snowmobile trail until we reached an intersection. One path led to the remains of the oldest farm in Dixmont, another to a current working farm. I looked in my pocket, found a few dollars, and off we headed to the dairy farm down the hill.

Although it was nearing six o'clock, the sun was just starting to set brilliantly over the edge of the farm. We had to stop for a few moments to admire it.

We arrived at the farm, did our shopping (well, put our money in the box and took what we wanted) and headed off down the road that lead back to our house. On our way home we saw plenty of sugar maples ready for tapping (some already being tapped) and moving water, a sure sign of spring.

I was feeling a little neglected in the picture-taking department, so I snapped a little candid of myself.

Nora fell asleep on Shane's back near the end of the walk, exhausted from the bounty of fresh air. What a wonderful way to spend an afternoon and evening, and what beautiful weather.

And the groceries we picked up at the farm? Nora's new favorite food: organic eggs, of course.

Have a great Friday everyone, and enjoy the weekend!
wait a minute! People trusting other people to put money in a box and TAKE what they want? tell me you're kidding? That's quite impressive-all i did was watch a documentary on the ganglife in chicago.
I love that a few found dollars is all you need to get farm-fresh organic eggs (at the farm, no less!) whenever you want them! Great to see you guys yesterday - when Kalen talks about you coming over, he says, "Cait-Cait and Nora come home!" Apparently anyone who comes here is "coming home." :)
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