There has been plenty of action in our lives lately, though most of it has been of the 'hurry up and wait' variety. For those not in the loop, we put an offer in on a house and were accepted. For the past month we have been gathering files and signing papers, all the while keeping our fingers crossed that everything comes together before the April 30th deadline we've placed for ourselves in order to meet the tax credit eligibility requirements. Nora had just got the news that our loan as approved in the following picture:

Okay, just kidding. I'm not sure what she was so excited about when her dad took this picture, but it doesn't really matter. Quite adorable, don't you think? I recently had a revelation in the diapering department. Nora has been daytime potty-trained for quite some time, and for the last several weeks has woken up in the morning completely dry. We've been using disposables for months because (and this may be tmi for some readers) our cloth diapers were causing her to develop a rash everytime they got wet. (For those in-the-know moms out there- I tried stripping them a few times and finally gave up. I think I may need to use bleach...) However, since she wasn't actually getting the disposables wet, I felt like a huge polluter using them every night. So, after using a few of the old dipes for cleaning I realized that they were the perfect solution to my nighttime conundrum- how to not waste diapers but not leave the mattress unprotected. She's pretty excited about these thick cloth 'underwear'. (Yes, I am totally tricking my child into wearing a diaper. A step backwards? Maybe. At least she stays dry all night and is still diaper free during the day!)

And remember dear, sweet little Barkley? Well he had a little fun of his own on St. Patrick's Day after going through the trash. I had been making some St. Patty's Day treats for my book club and Bark found the remnants in the trash, then spread them all over the kitchen floor. He has little lovely themed 'beard' to prove it.

I'm sorry for such a random post, but I figured if someone was still reading this a month later you wouldn't mind! Seeing as there's a real holiday coming up, I might be convinced to bring out the camera and take more than one picture of the festivities. Maybe it will even be as lovely as
last year's post. (Look at her cute little
bum!) Happy Easter!

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Barkley!!!! And Nora looks really old..Evan said she looks 5.
oh my gawsh, i need to see her! look how long her hair is already! i miss my cute lil' neice:( And, of course, you guys......and, barkley is the coolest dog i've ever seen!
Hahaha, poor Barkley! How long did it take for that to fade?
Tara, the dye only took a few drinks of water to fade, surprisingly! And Ash, Maine is a great place to visit in the summer!!
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