I realize there is a very slim chance that anyone will read this after not posting for over a year, but I've recently discovered blog2print.com and realized it would be an easy way for me to document our lives without having to go buy a new baby book. Yes, there's a new little one in our lives, as anyone who reads this knows by now.Little Eli William Theodore Barker joined us on May 19, 2011. Big sister Nora baked cookies with her Aunt Tara while I labored away in the next room.

This pic was during a contraction. I was still able to speak between them at this point and just wanted to hide in a cave while they were going on. At one point Shane brought me his ear plugs and that helped a bit- I would just pop them in when I felt a contraction starting.

After an afternoon of increasing contractions followed by a couple hours of active labor, I got into the tub that we had set up in the front office. The water felt wonderful for about four seconds, then I immediately felt like pushing. Actually, I had already started feeling pushy a few contractions before that and likely should have gotten into the tub a lot earlier, but I had a serious fear of getting in too early and stalling my labor. That was not an issue- about twenty minutes later, sixteen of those minutes being pushing- Eli was born underwater, just like his big sister. We got out of the tub and woke Nora up (eventually- she didn't really want to get up!) and the two were introduced.

She was
very excited to meet him!

Eli started nursing almost immediately which would imply that he is great at it. Unfortunately, that's not the case. It has taken us three weeks to get nursing, and we're still facing some challenges, but really hoping that they're on their way out!

The next morning the cousins came to visit. Here is Kalen holding Eli for the first time. What a great older cousin!

And a sweet pic of the little guy...

So far, things are going well. Eli just hit three weeks and I feel like we're just starting to hit a nice rhythm. Nora is an awesome big sister, always willing to help and always wanting to kiss or hug her little brother. She isn't so impressed with how much attention I have to give him, but overall is really enjoying her new role. Let's hope it continues for awhile before he reaches that special age and starts stealing all her toys!
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