
Summer's End

Even though it's still officially Summer according to the calendar, we have already jumped into Fall here. The days are already feeling cooler and the nights are downright cold. (Although I know in a few months I'll be wishing they were this 'cold'!)
As usual, we have been busy, busy, busy. Occasionally Nora and I have an evening that isn't filled with the scrambling of dinner time, pick up, tantrums and bath, and on those nights we really seem to enjoy ourselves. (This evening, for example, was wonderful. I came home to a clean house thanks to my wonderful spouse, had dinner with my wonderful daughter, and managed to get a few things done thanks to my wonderful latte!)
Nora and I have been enjoying some of the local produce, and this corn was picked up at a farm stand on our way home from school. Nora had a great time husking the corn until I started taking pictures; then she wanted in on the action.
(Photos above courtesy of Nora.)
This past weekend we were able to spend some time together as a family thanks to Labor Day. We headed over to a good friend's apple orchard to do some picking.
'How do I look?'
One of the benefits of living in Maine: you get your own lumberjack.
Can someone please send an emergency hair stylist over to my house some evening and take care of the awfulness that's happening on my head? Thank you.Of course, the two of them had to have their picture taken. I love it.
After the orchard we headed down to Rockland to help celebrate Wylie's first birthday. Unfortunately, I was working and had to miss the birthday party on Saturday (though Nora made it) but we stopped by on his actual birthday, so we felt okay about it.
Oh my dear Lord, can he get any cuter?
While Wylie gets a snack, Nora and Tara share a laugh.
And finally, on the way home we spotted this gorgeous view. Shane convinced me to turn around and go back to get a few pictures. I'm glad. Enjoy your weekend, everyone!

1 comment:

Ashleigh Garrett Long said...

thank god for lattes:) great post!