Nora and I spent a few days with Tara, Josh, Kalen and Wylie. We visited, ate, held the baby, and tried to occupy Kalen. He had other ideas, however, and once the excitement of the new baby had worn off, in say, twelve hours, he was ready to have his mom back. It will be an adjustment period for sure, but nothing that every new big sibling doesn't go through. Kalen at least is relatively gentle with Wylie. I can imagine Nora ripping out a chunk of a new baby's hair... I think we'll give her a little (lot) more time to grow up before she gets her little brother or sister. For now, on to the pictures! They're self-explanatory- just plain adorable!

And because I can...

And because I can...
awesome! this is so sweet.
Awww he's so cute!!!!!
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