
Monday, Monday.

Well, it's Monday and as usual not much is happening here. Nora is being sweet, of course, and crawling all over the place. We got our co-op order over the weekend and as a result have an abundance of yogurt in the house. (Tara, the bagels were out of stock. Sorry!)
Nora and I spent some quality time together over the weekend. Friday night we had dinner with Grampy and then went home and watched a chick flick. (Well, I watched it; Nora squirmed around on the futon until she conked out.) Saturday morning was a fun one for us. I got to take a free class at my favorite pilates studio and dropped Nora off with Hayley for an hour. She had a great time pulling all of the dvds and games off the bookshelf. What a sweet girl she is.
After visiting with Hayley we spend a bit of time at the library, returning our old books and picking out a few new ones. (Check out our new reading material on the sidebar.) I would have liked to spend a bit more time browsing the shelves but Nora decided to test out her vocal cords and we hightailed it out of there after a few dirty looks. Sunday was a bright, beautiful and frigid day. We helped sort out the co-op order over at Sarah's house, then picked up Shane, who was back from his training, in Belfast and headed home; a busy weekend, indeed.
This morning I decided that Nora was getting a little stinky, so I plopped her in the bathtub. The following photo shoot is the result:
Have a wonderful day!

1 comment:

Ashleigh Garrett Long said...

awwwww! again, this is what gets me up in the morning. She is so cute. I wanna watch chick flicks and eat yogurt and do pilates and go to the library with you guys. Instead I am working two awful jobs and wishing the sun would visit me. I'll post on that soon. Anyway-Im glad to see you are an awesome momma, and that the phallic post was not from you:) hahaha! I wish Nora could see me more- I wanna be a "cool aunt!"