
Snow Day!

Yesterday we were awoken very early to the sound of the phone ringing. Lovely! A snow day! We fell back asleep (well, Nora never actually woke up, thank goodness) and were able to sleep in to the late hour of 6:30. I got up and started getting Nora ready to go upstairs when Shane asked me to leave her downstairs- he wanted to hang out with her. Oh, the excitement! I scurried around brushing my teeth and putting in contacts, trying to get upstairs as fast as I could. I wanted as much quiet time as possible, and what a morning I had.
A couple pieces of vegetable frittata, some WHO toast, a cup of tea from our favorite food store, and my favorite radio station. Honestly, I was in heaven. And fifteen minutes later when my two favorite people came upstairs in their jammies and with a favorite book, I was even more so.
Without the computer to distract me, and with Shane around to occupy Nora, I got quite a bit done. A few smocks were made, the kitchen was cleaned up, laundry was done and I even made banana muffins. All this before a trip into town for pilates.
Here the sweet baby girl models one of the smocks I finished. This one isn't exactly her size, but Barkley wasn't about to try it on for me.

Later in the afternoon I was given another little treat. While I sat down to enjoy (another) little snack of chocolate soy milk and a banana muffin, Shane and Nora got down to the business of cleaning up. She later fell asleep on his back.

Oh heavenly day. (Thank you, Patty Griffin.)


Anonymous said...

Wow, that frittata looks yummy. Stumbled in and just wanted to say hello. What a sweet baby!

I would like to invite you to leave a comment on my blog. At my blog I ask people to tell me about their day in seven words or less. Just leave me a comment with your seven words, you can do it anonymously. If you'd rather not, then have a nice day.


Ashleigh Garrett Long said...

yay! heaven and babies strapped to backs and banana muffins and contacts! my excitement was the train came on time today and i wasn't shoved in someone's armpit while riding...wish i was there!